Hotels Matanzas Cuba
Searching for a Hotel in Matanzas Cuba? Below is a complete list of hotels which are actually in Matanzas. Matanzas discount hotels and accommodation with Cuba Hotel Reservation Service. Matanzas hotels, reservations, hotel information and special offers in Matanzas. Our list of Hotels in Matanzas only includes those hotels which are in the city and province, which includes: City Center, Playa Larga, Jibacoa and Guama.
Our Matanzas Hotels Booking program means you can check prices on all Hotels in Matanzas and compare rates across all suppliers. Booking your Hotel in Matanzas is then simple. Choose the hotel, best rate applicable and confirm using any major credit card from any nation. Your credit won’t be charged until check-in and there is no need to take the credit card used in the booking process with you to to Cuba.
All Matanzas hotel Reservations are 100% guaranteed as confirmed with the hotel and a confirmed booking code is issued directly from the hotel. Below is a list of every hotel exclusively in Matanzas.
You are guaranteed the lowest rate on your Matanzas Hotel stay along with payment in 32 currencies including USD, Euro, CAD, Yen, and more currencies available.
The list of Matanzas Hotels below is a complete list of every Hotel in Matanzas. Immediate confirmation of all Hotels is assured if available right now.
Matanzas City Center
Hotel Velasco Matanzas *** Calle Contreras S/N / Sta. Teresa y Ayuntamiento, Matanzas
Hotels within Province of Matanzas
Hotel Guama Matanzas ** Laguna Del Tesoro, Matanzas, Cuba
SuperClubs Breezes Jibacoa **** Playa Arroyo Bermejo, Santa Cruz del Norte, Matanzas
Hotel Playa Giron Matanzas ** Playa Giron, Peninsula de Zapata, Matanzas
Hotel Batey Don Pedro Playa Larga ** Carretera Playa Giron, Km 1 1/2, Matanzas, Playa Larga
Hotel Playa Larga ** Peninsula de Zapata, Playa Larga, Matanzas
Or maybe you’d prefer a Casa Particular in Matanzas?