Old Havana Hotels
Looking for a Hotel in Historic Havana or the Colonial section of Old Havana? Here is a complete list of hotels which are in Old Havana.
Get your Old Havana Hotels with our Fast Booking program and you can check rates on all Hotels in Old Havana and compare prices across all suppliers. Booking your Hotel in Old Havana is then simple, simply choose the hotel, most competitive rate applicable and confirm using any major credit card from any nation.
Your credit WILL NOT be charged until check-in yet your booking is 100% secure and there is no need to take the credit card used in the booking process with you to Cuba.
All Old Havana hotel Reservations are 100% guaranteed as confirmed with the hotel and a confirmed booking code is issued directly from the hotel.
You are assured the lowest rate on your Old Havana Hotel stay along with payment in 32 currencies including USD, Euro, CAD, Yen, and many, many others.
The complete list of Old Havana Hotels below is a complete list of every Hotel in Old Havana Province. Immediate confirmation of all Hotels is assured if available right now.
List of All Hotels in Old Havana
2 Star Hotels Old Havana
Palacio del Marqués de San Felipe
3 Star Hotels Old Havana
4 Star Hotels Old Havana
5 Star Hotels Old Havana
*Our guarantee is: immediately confirmed hotels, no pre-payment, lowest possible rates, 16 currencies.
*Once confirmed your hotel booking at Old Havana Hotels is secure and easily verifiable with each hotel as a direct booking!